Basics of Python Algo Trading | 1/100 Days of Python Algo trading

Congratulations on reaching this stage!

If you’re here, it means you’re truly dedicated to mastering Python. Directly below, you’ll find a quiz designed to help you reinforce what you’ve just learned. This isn’t just about recalling facts; it’s about deeply understanding the concepts. Take a moment to answer the questions and see how well you can apply the knowledge from the video. You’re doing great—every question you tackle brings you one step closer to becoming a Python expert!

Day 1: Python Basics

1. Which of the following best describes Python?
2. What is the output of the following code?
3. How would you print the following output with a single print function? "My age is 28"
4. What is the data type of the value 3.14?
5. Which data type represents True/False values?
6. Which of the following is a valid variable name in Python?
7. What symbol is used to start a single-line comment in Python?
8. How would you create a multi-line comment in Python?
9. Which of the following is a Python keyword (and therefore cannot be used as a variable name)?
10. What is the main difference between keywords and identifiers in Python?
11. Which function is used to collect user input in Python?
12. What would be the data type of the value entered by the user using the input() function?
13. How would you convert the string "10" to an integer?
14. Which function allows you to convert a number to a string?
15. Which of the following is NOT a Python literal?
16. What type of literal is 'Python'?
17. Which of these represents a floating-point literal?
18. What data type would the following literal represent? [1, 2, 3, "hello"]
19. Which of these would be a valid numeric literal in Python?
20. What is the purpose of literals in Python programming?


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