Object-Oriented Programming Part – 4 | 12/100 Days of Python Algo trading

python use in trading,AI in algo trading,algo trading,Getter and Setter Methods,Collection of Objects,Static Variables,Aggregation and Inheritance,Examples of Aggregation,Aggregation Class Diagram,What is Inheritance,Inheritance Class Diagram,Examples of Inheritance,Examples of Method Overriding,Types of Inheritance,Types of Inheritance with Coding Examples,Algotrading,Algo trading,python for beginners,Object-Oriented Programming,python,Quantreasearch

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Day 12: Object-Oriented Programming Part – 4

1. What are getter and setter methods used for in object-oriented programming?
2. What is a collection of objects in object-oriented programming?
3. What is the purpose of static variables in a class?
4. What is aggregation in object-oriented programming?
5. Choose the correct statement about inheritance in object-oriented programming.
6. What does method overriding mean in the context of inheritance?
7. What are the different types of inheritance supported in object-oriented programming?
8. Which type of inheritance allows a class to inherit from more than one class?
9. Provide an example of method overriding in object-oriented programming.
10. What would be an example of aggregation in an algorithmic trading system?
11. In an inheritance class diagram, how is inheritance typically represented?
12. Which scenario best describes a static variable in use?
13. How can getter and setter methods benefit an algorithmic trading application?
14. What is a practical use of multiple inheritance in an algorithmic trading context?
15. What is one advantage of using encapsulation in a financial software system?
16. How does the concept of 'pass by reference' work in object-oriented languages like Python when dealing with objects?
17. Which Python code snippet correctly illustrates creating a getter method for an encapsulated class attribute `_price`?
18. What correctly describes 'aggregation' over 'composition'?
19. How is a collection of objects typically handled in Python for trading algorithms?
20. Which of the following is an example of method overriding in the context of inheritance in Python?